How to See Someone’s Hidden Friends on Facebook 2022: Tips

People Connecting in Social Media

Table of Contents


2. Is it Feasible to Uncover Someone’s Hidden Friend List on Facebook?;

3. Techniques for Revealing Hidden Friends on Facebook;

  3.1. Approach a Mutual Friend;

  3.2. Harness the Power of Facebook Friend Finders;

  3.3. Exposing Hidden Facebook Friends through Profile IDs.

4. Fresh Approaches in 2023.


With Facebook boasting an enormous user base of approximately 2.74 billion people, it retains its position as the reigning titan of social networks. As this digital behemoth continues its growth, users are increasingly intrigued by how to uncover someone’s hidden friends on Facebook in 2023.

 In this all-encompassing guide, we’ll navigate through the latest strategies to unearth those concealed connections within this social giant.

Is it Feasible to Uncover Someone’s Hidden Friend List on Facebook?

Absolutely, it’s entirely feasible to uncover someone’s hidden friend list on Facebook through a variety of approaches. We’ll dive deep into these methodologies to assist you in unveiling those hidden social bonds.

Techniques for Revealing Hidden Friends on Facebook

Approach a Mutual Friend

The simplest path to unveiling someone’s concealed friends on Facebook involves reaching out to one of your mutual friends. If an individual is shielding their friends from your view, there’s a possibility they aren’t as secretive with everyone. A mutual friend might be willing to share their friend list with you.

 Harness the Power of Facebook Friend Finders

If the prior approach proves fruitless, don’t despair; there’s an alternative method employing third-party tools like Chrome extensions, such as “Social Revealer.” 

Here’s the process:

  • Visit the Facebook profile with hidden friends;
  • Activate the Chrome extension;
  • Click on “See friends.”

This technique is highly effective but is limited to Google Chrome as your browser.

Exposing Hidden Facebook Friends through Profile IDs

When previous methods fall short, consider an approach that entails using an individual’s profile ID and a specific URL format. Follow these steps:

  • Visit;
  • Navigate to the profile of the person whose hidden friends you wish to uncover;
  • Locate the profile ID, typically found in the top navigation bar;
  • Utilize the following URL format:{fbid}/friends;
  • Press “Enter.”

Bear in mind that this technique doesn’t guarantee success every time, so it’s advisable to explore the other methods mentioned earlier.

Fresh Approaches in 2023

Within the ever-evolving sphere of social media, novel approaches and tools continuously emerge. Staying abreast of the latest developments in 2023 will bolster your Facebook experience and bolster your ability to reveal concealed friendships.

If you search, how to see hidden friends on facebook, watch this tutorial


The quest to unearth concealed friends on Facebook is a common fascination among users. In this guide, we’ve delved into three diverse techniques to assist you in viewing someone’s hidden friend list on Facebook in 2023: seeking assistance from mutual friends, utilizing a Facebook friend finder like “Social Revealer,” and leveraging the profile ID method. 

Stay informed about the latest trends and tools in 2023 to maintain an edge in your pursuit of uncovering concealed connections within Facebook’s vast network.

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